Thank you for this important post, Jenn! As someone who wants to become a therapist, it's eye-opening to see that almost a third of Associates don't become licensed because of the pay. I know what I pay my fully licensed therapists, but I know very little about how much Associates make and what the fees are associated with getting licensed. The one Associate therapist I've talked to about this said she thinks she makes enough to live on (with the support of a partner), although she also did not pay for graduate school (because she was an employee of the university that she went to).

I think your mindset in taking on this career shows a lot of flexibility and grit, and the determination to take action to make things better. Bravo!

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Thank you Alice! Grateful to be in community with you and navigate these complexities together. I know there's strength in numbers when we knowledge share and validate each other's struggles.

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